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Craven Grain Storage Ltd is a Co-operative Provident Society. The Society's membership currently stands at over 100 members, with a tonnage committed to the store by way of Members Storage Agreements (contracts) of over 38,000 tonnes of committed space

Any prospective new membership of the Society is bound by the Members Storage Agreement and the Rules of the Society.

Your space is available for use as long as you have a valid Storage agreement in place. If you would like to discuss becoming a member, please contact the office.

Early Spring

Members are asked to inform the store of what they intend to send to store by way of a storage intention form

July to September

Intake. Members can deliver into store using their own transport or opt to use transport operated by the store using preferred hauliers with competitive rates. Handling invoices are raised using gross wet weight shortly after intake, along with any drying and haulage.


To spread your costs the invoice for your storage element of the total cost is not raised until Nov-Dec.

Please contact the store to obtain details of the current handling, drying, and storage costs. These costs are reviewed annually by our Board of Directors, a group of local farmers.

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