01568 708871 cravengrain@gmail.com
Collection & Storage


Members can use their store space to store any or all of the commodities the store handles: wheat, barley, oats, oil seed rape and beans.
Members can deliver their own crops directly to the store by tractor and trailer or by arranging their own haulage. Alternatively, the store can arrange collection of your grain from farm to the the store using local assured hauliers at a preferential rate. The aim is to collect your grain within 24 hours, although delays can inevitably occur at the height of the season or in particularly wet years.
Once at the store all loads are weighed, sampled using an industry standard vacuum spear, and analysed for all relevant criteria in order to assess the quality specification of the parcel of grain. The analysis is carried out in the store's on site well equipped laboratory. The store can test for moisture, specific weight/bushel, hagberg, protein, nitrogen content , oil content, and assess the screenings and add mixture.
Once the results are available the load will be tipped and either dried or committed directly to long term storage with grain of similar varieties and qualities. Any drying and cleaning that is deemed necessary is carried out prior to long term storage, the grain is then cooled and conditioned using low volume aeration.
Members will receive a complete printed analysis showing delivered weight, and the net dry clean weight after any losses for drying cleaning and normal handling losses.
Members can make arrangement with their marketing partner for the subsequent out-loading of their grain before July of the following year. The store must receive the written authority from the member before any parcel of grain is loaded out of the store. Members are able to market their grain to any merchant, or even local farmers if they should choose to do so.